April 7, 2016 at 3:05 pm
Educators Need Access to Naxxar schools
Following a meeting held in February with the Ministry for Transport and Infrastructure, the MUT has been in discussion with the said Ministry in relation to a transport issue affecting educators at MCAST Naxxar, Higher Secondary, Learning Centre, Middle School and Boys Secondary in Naxxar. The Union requested that educators can reach their workplaces without having to spend outrageous amounts of time in traffic due to closure of a road leading to these schools. Unfortunately, the issue is still unresolved after more than six weeks from the said meeting. The Union communicated with the Ministry this morning, which confirmed that a decision has been taken to enable educators to pass from the said road. The Ministry also confirmed that the road signage will be changed in the coming days. The MUT will continue to follow this issue closely and report to members accordingly.