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Category Archives: Ministry

MUT agrees with rigorous recruitment procedures but disagrees with additional red tape and attitude towards educators

July 10, 2015 at 11:45 am

MUT agrees with rigorous recruitment procedures but disagrees with additional red tape and attitude towards educators

The MUT refers to the recommendations by the Ministry for Education and Employment in the White Paper entitled ‘Effective recruitment and selection procedures for people working with minors’. While the Union agrees with rigorous screening and procedures at all times, the MUT is against any further bureaucratic burdens placed on educators and on a system […]

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1 Euro Campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund

July 10, 2015 at 11:35 am

1 Euro Campaign in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund

The Malta Community Chest Fund, chaired by the President of Malta, has launched the 1 Euro campaign whereby applications are being accepted so that 1 Euro is deducted automatically from every pay cheque. Full letter and application, which needs to be sent to the salaries/payroll section of your organisation, can be viewed here and here […]

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