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Author Archives: web_admin

MUT Unveils 100th Anniversary Monument

December 9, 2019 at 10:06 am

MUT Unveils 100th Anniversary Monument

The Malta Union of Teachers has the pleasure to unveil a monument celebrating the Union’s 100th Anniversary in an activity held Friday 6th December. Entitled “L-edukazzjoni tittrasforma l-persuna u tiftaħ bibien ġodda”, the monument depicts a figure of a girl, seated, reading a book. Behind her is an open door, signifying an open mind through […]

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Lifting of MUT directive regarding Maltese

December 9, 2019 at 9:34 am

Lifting of MUT directive regarding Maltese

The MUT is lifting the directive issued re loading of teachers of Maltese. The MUT has been in communication with the respective directorate regarding the situation of Maltese. Following intense discussions, the situation has been solved according to the following terms: – The number of tasks is being reduced to twelve per year. – Tasks […]

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MUT declares breach of agreement with Ministry for Education

December 5, 2019 at 1:04 pm

MUT declares breach of agreement with Ministry for Education

The MUT has this morning been in contact with the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry for Education and Employment to declare a breach of agreement. The following is the list of issues mentioned on which MEDE is not taking action and which have been highlighted previously by the MUT: 1. Contact time of Primary is […]

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Commencement on discussions for insurance of educators

December 3, 2019 at 2:27 pm

Commencement on discussions for insurance of educators

Following the ultimatum issued by the MUT regarding the commencement of discussions on the provision of insurance for educators, MEDE held a meeting with MUT where it expressed its intention to continue to push for the insurance to be provided. It was agreed that a series of meetings shall follow regarding this issue. Members will […]

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Issues related to MCAST MG2i courses

December 3, 2019 at 2:20 pm

Issues related to MCAST MG2i courses

The MUT is communicating with MCAST management regarding two issues related to the MCAST MG2i courses as follows: 1) The Union is objecting to the procedure being implemented whereby MCAST is not paying for all lessons carried out by lecturers who opted to give lectures in MG2i. The MUT gave an ultimatum until Monday 9th […]

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Fifth edition of The Educator journal published by the MUT

December 3, 2019 at 11:42 am

Fifth edition of The Educator journal published by the MUT

The Malta Union of Teachers has just issued the fifth edition of The Educator – A Journal of Educational Matters, which is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research on aspects related to education. The journal attracts contributions which help to promote debate on educational matters and presents new or updated research on many topics. In […]

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MUT presents Malta Education proposal to the Ministry

November 28, 2019 at 4:24 pm

MUT presents Malta Education proposal to the Ministry

Following the survey conducted by Dr Marmarà (click HERE for the details), the MUT has now presented its formal request to the Minister for Education and Employment and Permanent Secretary for the initiation of discussions on the MUT’s proposal entitled Malta Education. This step is the first in a series which also include the creation […]

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Half-yearly Examinations in Secondary Schools and CCP Yr 11

November 28, 2019 at 4:18 pm

Half-yearly Examinations in Secondary Schools and CCP Yr 11

The MUT has requested an urgent meeting with the respective Directorate to discuss the request for revision papers for CCP groups in year 11 and the exams arrangement in senior schools in view of the phasing out of Half-Yearly Exams from form 3. A meeting had been scheduled and members shall be informed about its […]

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Pressures in Church schools to take on mentors’ role

November 27, 2019 at 11:40 am

Pressures in Church schools to take on mentors’ role

The MUT is informed about educators being pressured to take on the role of mentors as part of the induction programme for NQTs. The Union would like to note that educators without the appropriate mentors course cannot be mentors and even if they are qualified through this course, it is up to the educator to […]

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