21237815 / 21222663
MUT wins the sole recognition of the Foundation for Educational Services

July 9, 2024 at 8:22 am

MUT wins the sole recognition of the Foundation for Educational Services

In an unprecedented ballot result, the majority of FES employees voted MUT as the sole union to represent them. This result widens the remit of MUT which shall now also represent personnel in Childcare Centres, Klabb 3-16, Skolasajf and the FES Head Office. MUT shall now represent all grades at FES including Programme Coordinators, Coordinators, Administrative Officers, Programme Secretaries and Childcare Educators. Previously MUT obtained the sole recognition of Managers and Heads at FES after the Union gained the majority representation following the verification process by DIER. The MUT thanks all MUT representatives and members at FES for this significant result. The Union communicated formally with FES management requesting an introductory meeting.

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