21237815 / 21222663

The MUT Membership is currently set at €45 annually (calendar year) for all grades and members are encouraged to settle their fees at the earliest so as to get the Union’s full package of services. Apart from all flagship Trade Union-related services, Union members are entitled to a number of discounts and to a Union diary.

N.B.: Members who are not sure on the amount due and/or would like to confirm any arrears are invited to log in to the Member’s Area here or send an email to

N.B. 2:  This page applies ONLY to members who joined the Union in 2015 and before. New members need to follow instructions here as SEPA Direct Debit is now mandatory.

N.B. 3: Members who opt not to fill the automatic direct debit SEPA form shall be requested to settle their annual membership fee of €45 together with an annual administrative charge of €15 as established by the MUT Council. This includes manual payments made online, cheques and cash including through an MUT Delegate.

Settling the membership fees can be done in one of the following ways:

Via SEPA Direct Debit

The easiest way to settle membership is through SEPA Direct Debit automatic membership renewal, making the process simple and convenient while still benefitting from the Union’s membership offers including the free MUT diary. To pay through Direct Debit, members just need to fill in the form and forward it to the MUT Finance Officer (through a delegate or by post). Once registered, before each transaction is effected a notification will be posted. Click here to download the SEPA form.

Via Online Banking

Members can also easily settle their fee through their BOV, HSBC, APS and Lombard Bill Payment Facility or similar. In this case, the Malta Union of Teachers is listed as one of the organisations in the supplier list. In the Reference number, members should include their MUT Membership number.

With Credit or Debit Card via this Portal

Another easy way to settle membership is by logging in to this portal and by going to the Member Personal Details section here under ‘Pending Payments’.

Via Cheque by Post

Another easy way to settle membership is to send a cheque payable to the “Malta Union of Teachers” by post. Please make sure to include your membership number and/or Identity Card Number so that the payment is deducted to the right member. Also members are reminded not to send cash through the post.

Via a School Delegate

Members at educational institutions where there is a Union Delegate can settle their fees directly with the Delegate and receive the MUT diary through him/her as well. Members are encouraged to contact the Union to get information about their school’s Delegate.

Personally at the MUT Office

The last option is paying personally at the MUT Office during opening hours. Cash, cheques and through credit cards are the ways to settle fees in this case. This is however the least preferred option for obvious logistical reasons.

The Malta Union of Teachers thanks all its members for the continual support and participation.