Kite Group is offering the following to MUT members:

“Finnish Education in Practice – What, Why and How” by Johanna Järvinen-Taubert, Päivi Valtonen & Elena Chukhlantsev (Editors), published by Kite Group in collaboration with Learning Scoop, Finland – €5 discount (pay €20 instead of €25). This book is a practice-oriented insight into Finnish education. It combines the overall description of key topics of education in Finland (what), the rationale behind the typical features of Finnish education (why) as well as practical examples of how these undertakings are implemented in everyday schoolwork (how).
Members who would like to make use of this discount should contact the MUT for a code to be used during checkout on the website For the latter, members are advised to call 2123 7815 during MUT office hours to be given a voucher code following membership verification.