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Study on Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes towards Biodiversity in Malta

January 28, 2019 at 2:20 pm

Study on Knowledge, Perceptions and Attitudes towards Biodiversity in Malta

A questionnaire part of a research study is being circulated whose aim is to find out what the Maltese adult population thinks of the local biodiversity and environment, and their attitude and behaviour towards it. This project is being conducted by Deborah Cefai at The Centre for Environmental Education and Research (CEER) through The University of Malta, as part of the dissertation for her Master’s in Education for Sustainable Development. Click HERE for more information and the questionnaire itself.

Please note that the Malta Union of Teachers is just helping out in dissemination of information and is not responsible for this initiative or its details. Queries and difficulties on the above should therefore not be directed to the MUT but to the entity responsible.

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