January 4, 2018 at 1:29 pm
Press Release: Industrial Action at MCAST suspended temporarily
After a meeting held today, 4th January 2018, chaired by the Director of Employment and Industrial Relations between the official sides, composed of the MCAST Management and the Industrial Relations Unit on one side and the Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) on the other, on existing issues between the parties on the Collective Agreement for MCAST Academics, the MUT suspended actions in place. These actions will be suspended temporarily for a period of one week, during which intensive meetings will be held between the parties with a view to reaching an agreement.
Wara laqgħa li saret illum, 4 ta’ Jannar 2018, preseduta mid-Direttriċi tal-Impjieg u r-Relazzjonijiet Industrijali bejn in-naħa uffiċjali, komposta mill-Management tal-MCAST u l-Industrial Relations Unit flimkien mal-Malta Union of Teachers (MUT) dwar pendenzi li kien hemm bejn il-partijiet dwar il-Ftehim Kollettiv tal-Akkademċi ġewwa l-MCAST, l-MUT issospendiet l-azzjonijiet fis-seħħ. L-azzjonijiet huma sospiżi b’mod temporanju għall-perjodu ta’ ġimgħa, f’liema perjodu se jsiru laqgħat intensivi bejn il-partjiet bil-għan li jintlaħaq ftehim.